The overall effect of building night scenes for multi-faceted viewing

Seeking for differences and different parts of the building, adopting a layered lighting method to form a gray space, a virtual space and a solid surface, and using a fading treatment to create a multi-level night scene effect. For example, the main entrance adopts the illuminating illumination through the ceiling, the light on the pillar and the upward retreat of the inner wall to form a spatial illumination level inside and outside the communication. The convex portions at both ends are in sharp contrast with the upward fading of the light and the small arc wall with the top recess. The inner and outer virtual reflections above the main entrance reflect the lighting treatment, which is in sharp contrast with the surrounding solid (solid wall) and black imaginary (glass), which constitutes the visual highlight above the central axis of the building. The light dome and entrance form a distinctly bright central axis. At the same time, intentionally reduce the illuminance of the side façade and the rear façade, adjust the rhythm and rhythm of the night vision of the side and rear façade through the changes of the pillars and layers on the outside and the top of the side entrance, and form a different from the façade. To meet the overall effect of the architectural night view of multi-faceted viewing.

Lighting power 30KW. Holiday lighting system: On the basis of weekday lighting, turn on the main body lighting system on the lamp holder. The average illumination of the façade design is not less than 100150lx, which is bright and brilliant. Lighting power 89KW. Major festival day lighting: Enhance the illumination of the transparent illumination on the dome and increase the green lighting. It is also recommended to add landscape elements such as light fountains, dynamic water sculptures and fireworks lights in the courtyard garden to highlight the festive atmosphere.

Creation of extended carrier conditions: In addition to lighting design, it also proposes and designs some important landscape elements. For example, it is recommended to add flagpoles and national emblems on the façade, and design, set and adjust the height, scale and position. A special lighting fixture. After the addition, it further increases the courtesy of the government building and also plays a finishing role. In fact, the nightscape design is an extension of the environmental design, and the designer should have the creative power to extend the carrier conditions.

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