Man Lu card women's Shandong Tai store grand opening it


Man Lu card women's Shandong Tai store grand opening it! Taian is an excellent tourist city in China. Taishan territory is the "top of the Five Sacred Mountains" and the symbol of the Chinese nation. It is a microcosm of the Chinese culture. The natural beauty of Mount Tai is magnificent and has a long history of culture. It is listed by UNESCO Into the world of natural and cultural heritage. In this beautiful tourist city, but also the birth of a new fashion landmark, Man Lu card women Taian store! Simple atmosphere of the counter image, colorful fashion products, the release card will be destined for the fashion Tai'an women have a unique trend experience! Welcome consumers to buy!


"Man Lu card MARLOCA" consumer group positioned in the 20-40-year-old new women. They are the trendsetter in the city and are also the most supportive groups. Most of them belonged to white-collar workers and social elites, possessed higher social status and independent economic status, pursued individuality and freedom of life, and advocated the concept of quality in consumption. They long for fashion to enhance their superior image and express themselves through their clothing. To this end, they pay less attention to the price of fashion, but also concerned about the novel style, exquisite workmanship and wearing comfort.


"Marula card MARLOCA" keen to capture the psychology of modern urban women, by capturing the essence of fashion and creativity to play, so that the fashion design style is unique, quality excellence, style innovation.

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