How float glass is processed from flat glass

[China Glass Net] Flat glass is a flat shape formed in glass, such as cutting a glass window, and forming a flat surface of the glass, and then bending or bending, such as a windshield made of a car. The float glass is flat glass by the float process as described below. Almost all flat glass is currently produced and sold throughout the world as float glass.

This natural glass consists of three elements of earth sand, soda and lime. These same elements, in various forms, also constitute the basic ingredients of products, from the manufacture of glass containers and glassware to windshields and windows for high-rise commercial buildings. Approximately 50 other chemical elements are used in modern glass manufacturing, affecting color, viscosity or durability, or imparting some desired physical properties, in primary and secondary terms. But the original elements of nature are still basic elements in the formulation of glass.

Glass is largely a space between an open silicon atom and various oxides of the atomic chain. It is this loose structure that allows for transparency. Silicon, or sand, is a more important ingredient because it is the source of glass manufacturing and provides structure and transparency. But sand requires soda and lime for the actual glass.

Today, average batch mixing for the production of flat glass products contains approximately 70% silica sand, 13% lime, 12% soda water and a small amount of other materials. About a quarter of the batch is processed in the form of broken glass, or washed and broken glass from the previous glass manufacturing business.

Silicon and silicon dioxide, which are converted into glass, are difficult to fuse under heat and require very high temperatures. Ancient scientists have discovered that other materials such as soda, when melted in close contact, will allow the sand to melt silicon at much lower temperatures. This material is known as flux and soda may be based on the previous flux.

The main form of soda used in the manufacture of glass is soda ash (sodium carbonate) or caustic soda (sodium hydroxide). When a mixed sand and soda water is dissolved in molten soda, sodium silicate is formed. According to the proportion of sand and soda, this sodium silicate is more or less soluble in water and is called glass of water. Glass that overcomes water solubility, another element, lime, is required.

Lime (calcium oxide) is usually introduced into the form of limestone mixed with glass ingredients. Its use in the correct proportions is due to the composition of the soda lime silicate, which is almost unaffected by moisture and acid. Lime also exhibits glass sticking to the working temperature, shortening the setting time and improving the weathering properties.

Because of its low melting point range, the soda-calcium silicate component is undoubtedly the type used by the ancients to produce known earlier vessels, vases, semi-precious glass stones and beads, long after, earlier forms of window glass. Today, soda lime silicate is the basis of float glass, of course, the product makes it.

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